
Springschool on Companion Modelling and Facilitation

One week on the main principles of the companion modelling approach, with a special focus on role-playing games and facilitation

Companion Modelling, or ComMod, is a participatory modelling approach that uses role-playing games and simulation models to tackle complex issues in the fields of renewable resources and environment management.

ComMod promotes dialogue, shared learning and collective decision-making, strengthening the adaptive management capacity of communities facing wicked environmental problems.

A ComMod approach is iterative and evolves with the participative process whereby stakeholders are involved in the definition and design of the questions, models, simulations and outputs. It involves constant back and forth steps between the model, the field and the negotiation table.

Course format: lectures, presentation of completed case studies, small groups & hands-on exercises to design a real ComMod case study from scratch.

Concepts to be explored: wicked problems, socio-ecological systems, complex systems, participatory modelling, simulation strategies.

Methods and related tools to be discussed include: system representation, participatory mapping, model conceptualization, agent-based modelling, role-playing games, participatory simulation and scenario assessment, brainstorming, debriefing and evaluation, facilitation and conflict management.

For more info:

 external page

Past sessions:

  • 27 November - 2 December 2016 in Wislikofen (Switzerland)
  • 18-22 May 2015 in Zürich (Switzerland)
  • 24-28 March 2014 in Zürich (Switzerland)


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Springschool 2014 on Companion Modelling and Facilitation.


Anne Dray

ETH Zurich

Please contact us if you have any questions. We can get you other contacts in order to help with the preparation for traineeships and we can help you with your search of literature.

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