Sustainable coffee workshop in Kodagu

Last 14th of June, ETH Zürich and the College of Forestry, Ponnampet organized a workshop in Kodagu district to discuss the links between ecosystem services, coffee and certification

by Charlotte Pavageau

The Indo-Swiss conference “Percieving the future of Kodagu landscape: Coffee, shade trees and bees” on June 14th 2016 gathered researchers, coffee planters, managers for the private sectors, public officials and local associations. The conference served to present the results of four ETH research projects, including presentations by Post-doctoral researcher Arshyia Bose and PhD student Charlotte Pavageau. It also give back to the local community who opened their doors and fields for the Indo-Swiss research teams.

Read the blog of Janina Keller from Swissnex about the workshop: external pageblog

More info about the workshop: external pagehere

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