Dive in!

Claude Garcia sparks new ideas at TEDxZurich

by Nicole Ponta
Mediterranean Sea

“It’s like diving. I can give you a lecture about diving, the physiology of it. I can tell you how the light turns blue as you go down. Until you dive, there is something you will be missing. The experience of diving. What it feels like diving.”

This is how Claude Garcia described to an audience of 600 people at TEDxZurich 2018 the experience of gaming on November the 16th. Games are powerful and inspirational. But for change to happen, the right players need to sit at the table. Not only the interns but the decision makers too. That was the key message Claude wanted to convey.

Claude at TEDxZurich
Claude on stage at TEDxZurich on November 16th

It will take a little while for the talk to be released online by TEDx - While waiting for the final cut, check out his last interview by external pageGame4Sustainability.

(By the way, make no mistake, the picture above is not a swimming pool, but the Mediterranean sea, off the coast of Ibiza. Photo taken by Claude).

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