Palmöl: Besser als sein Ruf?
Is Palm oil really as bad as the reputation that it carries?
At the ETH Treffpunkt Science City on 7th April 2019, Ariane Hangartner presented the topic of palm oil to the general public. Starting with basic facts about palm oil - that many people are not aware of -, she continued with the controversy that gives palm oil such a bad reputation. She talked about possible solutions and finally introduced the Oil Palm Adaptive Landscapes project (OPAL). She explained how we use games to tackle the sustainability issues in Indonesia, Cameroon and Colombia.
The public was asked to vote before and after the presentation whether they thought palm oil was good (green), bad (red) or if they did not know (yellow). Hardly any red cards were seen at the end.
The game developed by Nur Hasanah - PhD student in the Ecosystem Management group - was also displayed, and many people approached us at the end to see and learn more about the game, and ask further questions about palm oil.
If you want to check out Ariane's presentation (in German), click here!
The vote before the presentation...

...and the vote after the presentation!