Blogs and Online Media
Garcia, C. and Sist, P. external page La déforestation n’est pas une fatalité, mais un choix politique. Le Monde, August 2020.
Garcia, C. and Waeber, P.O. external page Rethinking Forest Conservation as a Human Affair. The Conscientious Environmentalist, July 2020.
Garcia, C., Bastin, J.F. and Quetier, F. external page La déforestation est une affaire humaine. Liberation, July 2020.
Garcia, C. external page RTSLe grand Debat: Déforestation, l'autre épidémie. RTS, July 2020.
Garcia, C. external page In Praise of Complexity. The Conscientious Environmentalist, June 2020.
Garcia, C. external page Les politiques actuelles de lutte contre la déforestation sont vouées à l'échec. Interview par Remi Pin. June 2020.
Garcia, C. external page Replanter, disent-ils! Magazine Le 1. April 2020.
Garcia, C. external page Decider Autrement. Claude Garcia. TedX Nimes Ales Mines, January 2020.
Garcia C. external page Could play be a game-changer for the world's forests? World Economic Forum, May 2019
Vyawahare, M. external page Conservationists call for lasting ban on trade in Malagasy precious timber. Mongabay May 2019.
Garcia C. external page How choose your future and communicate your aims. Listen Notes Career Conversations. January 2019
Garcia C. external page How games can help us to understand how people make decisions and support policy development that takes better account of field realities. LSE Impact Blog. December 2018
Nobis S. & Garcia C. external page Companion Modelling for natural resource management with Claude Garcia. Interviewing Claude Garcia for Games4Sustainability. November 2018
Moore, R. external page Madagascar proposes paying illegal loggers to audit or buy their rosewood. Mongabay. August 2018. Citing Patrick Waeber's external page publication on the political role of rosewood in Madagascar.
Ponta, N., Liu, X. Board Games for Borderlands. ETH Ambassadors. August 2018.
Wahl, S., Folkers, G., Garcia, C. external page Taking Shortcuts in the Red Queen’s Science Race. Diplomatic Courier. May 2018.
Walther, M. Board game shows causes of deforestation. ETH Globe 1/2018. p.8. Based on an interview with Claude Garcia.
Four part series on the Oil Palm Adaptive Landscape project. (1) external page Oil palm landscapes: Playing for keeps, (2) external page Oil palm landscapes: Indonesia’s game of palms, (3) external page Oil palm landscapes: Playing the long game with palm oil, (4) external page Oil palm landscapes: Sketching out sustainable futures. Mongabay. February and March 2018. Based on interviews with Anne Dray and Claude Garcia.
Garcia, C. et al. 2017. external page Supporting conservation by playing a game? Seriously? (commentary). Mongabay. October 2017.
De Grave, A., Waeber, P.O., 2015 Bridging Science and Photography in Madagascar. Heso Magazine. May 2015. external page Article here