Conference Contributions and other Publications
Waeber, P.O., Stoudmann, N., Ghazoul, J., Wilmé, L., Sayer, J., Nobre, C., Innes, J. and Garcia, C. external page Choices We Make: Rethinking Decision-making in the Context of Climate Crisis. Preprints. January 2020.
Wilmé, L., Innes, J.L., Schuurman, D., Ramamonjisoa, B., Langrand, M., Barber, C.V., Butler, R.A., Wittemyer, G. and Waeber P.O. external page Management options for addressing the persistent and unresolved CITES issue of Madagascar’s rosewood stocks and stockpile. PerrJ Preprints, August 2019.
Bos, S., Cornioley, T., Dray, A., Waeber, P. and Garcia, C. external page Exploring trajectories of shifting-cultivation landscapes through games the case of Assam India. AgriXiv Preprints, March 2019.
Garcia, C., Vendé, J., nanaya, K.M., Nay, M.M., Kalla, J., Dray, A., Delay, M., Waeber, P., Stoudmann, N., Bose, A., Le Page, C., Raghuramulu, Y., Bagchi, R., Ghazoul, J., Kushalapa, C.G. and Vaast, P. external page Understanding coffee farmers: using games to explore future coffee agroforestry landscapes in the Western Ghats (India). AgriXiv Preprints, September 2018.
Waeber, P.O., Schuurman, D. and Wilmé, L. external page Madagascar’s rosewood (Dalbergia spp.) stocks as a political challenge. PeerJ Preprints, July 2018.
Wahl, S., Folkers, G., Garcia, C. external page Taking Shortcuts in the Red Queen’s Science Race. Diplomatic Courier. May 2018.
Walther, Michael (2018). Board game shows causes of deforestation. ETH Globe 1/2018. p.8. Based on an interview with Claude Garcia.
Dray, A., & Le Page, C. (2017). external page REHAB: un jeu pour faire prendre conscience de l'importance de la communication pour une gestion concertée des ressources naturelles renouvelables. Rencontres Jeux et Enjeux : Construire des jeux et des simulations pour penser, s’engager et agir ensemble Rencontres des praticiens de la simulation participative et du jeux sérieux, La Rochelle, France, 29 June 2017/30 June 2017.
Garcia, C. et al. 2017. external page Supporting conservation by playing a game? Seriously? (commentary). Mongabay. October 2017.
Garcia, C., Speelman, E.N. 2017 Landscape Approaches, Wicked Problems and Role Playing Games. Tropenbos International ComMod Workshop. ForDev Working Papers, 1. 20 p. 10.13140/RG.2.2.26134.24644
Le Page, Christophe; Dray, Anne; Perez, Pascal; García, Claude. 2016. external page Exploring How Knowledge and Communication Influence Natural Resources Management With REHAB. Simulation & Gaming, 45th ISAGA Conference, Dornbirn, Austria.
Claude Garcia; Bastin Jean-François; Rejou-Mechain Maxime; Chamagne Juliette; Dauby Gilles; Viennois Gaëlle; Droissart Vincent; Dessard Hélène; Stévart Tariq; Hardy Olivier J.; Gillet Pauline; Vermeulen Cédric; Gond Valéry; Fayolle Adeline; Bretagnollei François; Oszwald Johan; Doucet Jean-Louis; Gourlet Sylvie; Pélissier Raphaël. 2016. Gateway to the forests of Central Africa: towards a unified collaborative model of forest dynamics. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC 2016), Montpellier, France, 19 June 2016/23 June 2016
De Grave, A., Waeber, P.O., 2015 Bridging Science and Photography in Madagascar. Heso Magazine. May 2015. external page Article here
Quetier F., De Wachter P., Dessard H., Gersberg M., Halleson D.N., Di Mavambu M.N.N., Ndoutoume E.N., Feintrenie L., Garcia C. (2015) external page Biodiversity Offsets: Opportunities and Challenges for managing cumulative impacts of large-scale land-based investments on Africa's forest landscape and their biodiversity. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty:“Linking Land Tenure and Use for Shared Prosperity.” March 2015, Washington DC
Feintrenie L., Gillet P., Garcia C., Boulaud A.L., Ferlay A., Llavinia E.C., Lehnebach C., Vermeulen C. (2015) external page Family farming in a changing landscape: How activities change when forest disappears. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty:“Linking Land Tenure and Use for Shared Prosperity.” March 2015, Washington DC
Gillet P, Vermeulen C, Dessard H, Garcia C, Feintrenie L (2015) external page State of the art on drivers of deforestation in the Congo basin tropical forest. Annual Conference of the Society of Tropical Ecology - Resilience of Tropical Ecosystems: Future Challenges and Opportunities. April 2015, Zurich.
Bainville, S., Bertzky, M., Bigombe Logo, P., Billand, A., Boucher, J.F., Charrouf, Z., Cissé, M., Defo, L., Deschênes, P., Ducourtieux, O., Dufumier, M., Feintrenie, L., Garcia, C.A., Guillitte, O., Huybens, N., Karsenty, A., Koné, I., Kouadio, A.S., Lescuyer, G., Rizzotti, N., Robert, C., Robinson, P., Hassani, K.S., Seyni, S., Tchamba, M., Tiega, A., Triboulot, P., De Wasseige, C., Villeneuve, C. 2012. Forets et humains: une communauté de destins. Pièges et opportunités de l'économie verte pour le développement durable et l'éradication de la pauvreté. Document de synthèse. Québec : IEPF, XII-84.
Rehnus, M. 2011. Bird diversity and the white-winged woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucopterus) in the walnut-fruit forests. In: Proceedings of the 1st International conference on the sustainability in Kyrgyzstan's walnut-fruit forests: state, conservation and management. Arslanbop, Kyrgyzstan, 14–18 September 2011.
Sorg, J.-P., Rehnus, M., Mamadjanov, D.K. and Venglovsky, B. I. 2011. Where the forest management looks like agroforestry. Case studies in the walnut-fruit forests of southern Kyrgyzstan. In: Proceedings of the 1st International conference on the sustainability in Kyrgyzstan's walnut-fruit forests: state, conservation and management, Arslanbop, Kyrgyzstan, 14–18 September 2011.