

Companion Modelling, or ComMod, is a participatory modelling approach that uses role-playing games and agent-based models to tackle complex issues in the fields of renewable resources and environment management. The objective is to promote dialogue, shared learning and collective decision-making to strengthen the adaptative management capacity of communities (Bousquet, 1998) facing wicked problems.

The implementation of the ComMod approach progresses through an iterative and evolving participative process whereby stakeholders are involved in the design of the simulation tools. This is followed by repetitive back and forth steps between the model and the field.

The approach has been tested and implemented in different socio-ecological systems, focusing on several issues such as water sharing, common pool resources, and agricultural conflicts.

To learn more about ComMod: external page


ComMod interdisciplinary research school

One week on the main principles of the companion modelling approach, with a special focus on role-playing games and facilitation. Learn more here.

Past sessions:

  • in English, 26 June - 1 July 2016 in Wageningen (Netherlands)
  • in English, 27 November - 2 December 2016 in Wislikofen (Switzerland)
  • in French, 16-20 March 2015 in Chateauneuf-de-Gadagne (France), organized by FormaScience INRA
  • in English, 18-22 May 2015 in Zürich (Switzerland), organized by ForDev ETH Zürich.


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